Peer Advisory Group

The Bosspreneur elite Team (BET) is a

designed to assist and support women business owners in excelling and scaling.

Are you tired of navigating the challenges of business ownership alone? Do you crave a confidential community of like-minded women who are not just note takers, but action takers?

Introducing Bosspreneur Peer Advisory - where high-capacity women entrepreneurs come together to conquer business challenges, issues, and struggles. But here's the catch: we don't accept just anyone. We meticulously select the right women for this exclusive group.

We meet to discuss your most pressing issues, challenges, and opportunities in business. We challenge one another, provide diverse perspectives, share new ideas, and hold each other accountable. Every business owner is committed to taking their business to a new level of success, and everyone has each other's back.

Neon Button

Schedule a Call

Becky A. Davis

isthis you? 👉🏽

black African American ethnicity woman in work stress


Elevate Your Circle

Tired of always being the smartest person in the room? It's time for an upgrade.


Idea Exchange Haven

Feeling like you're constantly brainstorming in a vacuum? 🤯 Turn your solo lightbulb moments into a brilliant illumination with a group of brains in the game.


Give and Take Balance

Exhausted from pouring into others without replenishing your own cup?


Being Seen

Need a room where you're seen for who you truly are—and who you can become? A toom full of “your people.”


Accountability Partners

Craving accountability to reach your highest peaks? Let's climb together.

Upset black woman having headache, massaging her temples


Resourceful Connections

Looking for the right resources and connections to elevate your business?



Breaking the Cycle

Stuck on the business hamster wheel? There's a better path forward.


Frustrated woman working alone in office

Time Freedom

Feeling trapped by time and not being being able to to “all the things?” Break free from the constraints holding your business back.


Mindset Shift for Growth

Ready to shed your cocoon and soar? 🦋 Transform your mindset for exponential growth.


Dropping the Superwoman Cape

Tired of being everything to everyone? It's time to hang up your superwoman cape and focus on YOU.

Sad and frustrated african american woman

Our community

If you're ready to join forces with other driven women who are committed to achieving their goals and taking action to make it happen, then Bosspreneur Peer Advisory is for you

Two business women smiling in city
Corporate Training Professional Women in a Meeting
Gradient that fades to transparency

Get the Answers You Need

Get the Support You Want

Get the Results You Deserve

This service ensures that all your inquiries are addressed promptly and accurately, providing you with the information and clarity required to move forward confidently.

This aspect focuses on providing comprehensive support that meets your specific needs, ensuring you feel fully supported and valued at every step.

With a commitment to excellence and efficiency, this group is designed to deliver outstanding outcomes that align with your goals, ensuring satisfaction and success.

Our Selection Process

Step 1- Schedule a Call

Begin your journey by scheduling a call with us. This initial conversation is a chance for us to learn more about you, your business, and your aspirations. It's also a perfect opportunity for you to discover the transformative impact our peer advisory can have on your entrepreneurial journey.

Step 2- Experience A Meeting

Immerse yourself in our community by attending a live experience event. This is your window into the heart of what we do and how we do it. You'll gain firsthand insight into the power of our peer advisory, witness the dynamic interactions among members, and assess the quality and compatibility of our network. It's about ensuring that our community is the right fit for you—and vice versa.

Step 3 - 1:1 Experience with Becky

Following the live event, you'll have a personal coaching call with me. This is when we reflect on your experience, discuss your thoughts about the meeting, and explore your potential fit within the group. This conversation is pivotal in ensuring that joining our peer advisory aligns with your goals and aspirations, setting the stage for mutual growth and success.

my story

I've been there, so I understand.

I made it, and you can too.

With over 12 years at the helm of a successful business, I've not just navigated the myriad challenges of entrepreneurship—I've thrived, thanks to a fundamental resource: a peer advisory group. This powerful alliance of women entrepreneurs has been my compass, setting me apart from the solitary path trodden by many. Today, I stand poised to guide you through accelerating your business growth with the same invaluable tool.

Peer advisory has been the cornerstone of my success since day one. The collective wisdom, diverse perspectives, and unwavering support of my peers have been instrumental. It's more than just a group; it's a treasure trove of experiences, a sounding board for ideas, and a safety net for risks. This network has opened corporate doors, unlocked speaking engagements, and unveiled business opportunities that once seemed beyond reach.

My journey is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration. The relationships I've built within my peer group are not just long-lasting; they are deep, founded on mutual respect and a shared vision for success. These connections have cut my learning curve by years, providing immediate answers to complex questions and solutions to challenging problems.

The essence of my expertise lies in understanding the unique hurdles women entrepreneurs face and leveraging peer advisory as a catalyst for growth.

Inviting you into this realm, I offer more than just advice; I offer a pathway to accelerated growth, enriched by the collective experience of a supportive community. I’ve coached 7-8 figure business owners and have run a $25M company at the CEO, I’m ready to help you.

Clients & Features...


Don't just take our word, check out some of the feedback from our clients.

Woman with Curly Black Hair

I’ve gained so much from this amazing group of women. One idea given to me helped me to double my revenue in three months. Everyone is truly there to support and encourage one another to reach our next level together.

Olivia Wilson, 43

contact us

Schedule an information call with Becky 👇🏽

My Entrepreneur Journey Continues